Sep 17 2021 How Business Owners Hire Sales and Marketing Experts
If you’re a business owner, you’re used to wearing many hats: CEO, CFO, HR person… While being a jack-of-all-trades is usually a positive, it can make for a longer workweek if you’re the only one pitching in, and you may not have time to do the legwork necessary to advertise your business and find new clients.
So, what is a business owner to do? The answer is to hire workers outside of your company who will help you reach out to potential new customers. But how do you find the best workers for the job? DigiPanoramic has a few questions for you to answer first!
What Makes a Good Sales and Marketing Professional?
In today’s market, a sales and marketing professional should be adept at SEO and social media marketing, and be eager to drive marketing initiatives to increase your business, product, or brand visibility. They should research and identify your target customers or clients and develop a good rapport with them, so strong communication skills are key.
The ideal candidate should be highly motivated and enjoy working as part of a team. Hiring a sales and marketing professional will free up your time spent looking for clients, and the right one will bring you, new customers, through innovative research strategies.
Do You Need a Freelancer, a Contractor, or an Employee?
If you own a small business, you might not need a sales and marketing professional on a full-time basis, and you might not be ready or equipped to hire full-time employees. If that’s the case, you may look at freelance professionals to work with you on an “on-call” or “per-project” basis.
Hiring freelancers is less cumbersome for a business owner since you won’t need to set up employee payroll, shop for insurance plans to provide employee benefits packages, pay for vacation or sick days, etc. Freelancers pay their own income taxes and don’t receive benefits from the companies they work with; but they determine their own rates, so you’ll have to come up with a mutually agreed-upon compensation amount for their services, which can be either hourly or project-based.
Just like freelancers, contractors are self-employed and responsible for handling their employee benefits and completing their tax returns. But contractors usually work on one project at a time with one client, rather than handling multiple projects simultaneously. If you need more permanent help with your projects, you may choose to hire a professional as an employee. Just remember you’ll be required to withhold taxes (e.g., income, social security, Medicare, etc.) from their paycheck and to provide benefits like health and disability insurance.
What Are the Advantages of Forming an LLC?
For small businesses, starting an LLC, or limited liability company is the most popular choice. Every state has its own set of rules for forming an LLC (see Florida’s here), but the advantages of an LLC is that it limits your own liability from business debts and lawsuits; less paperwork is involved, as an LLC has a less formal structure than a corporation; and last but not least, thanks to its pass-through business structure, you can choose and change the way your LLC is taxed (sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation). Some online tools and websites can help you start an LLC quickly and save you money on lawyer fees.
Where Do You Find Sales and Marketing Experts?
Lastly, you can find specialized sales experts and marketing professionals in your area by reaching out to your local chamber of commerce, or online via job search and employment websites. When perusing résumés, look for an SEM specialist with extensive experience in SEO, email marketing, social media marketing, data analytics, and optimization.
If you’re just starting out as a business owner and you don’t quite have the capital to hire outside professionals to help you with your sales and marketing strategy, you can find many tips and solid advice online and become your own expert. In the digital world, marketing resources are at your fingertips!
Don’t wait to get the ball rolling on your sales and marketing strategy. Think about what type of outside worker to hire, and consider establishing an LLC. Finally, utilize local and online resources to find qualified professionals for your team!
Would you like to read more helpful content or learn about our digital marketing services? Visit DigiPanoramic.com today!
Aug 19 2021 Folders And Keeping All Your Needs In It!
The organization is such a great thing because a Messy room, disorganized files, and chaotic atmosphere can very well trigger a person’s temper and rage. This is the reason why being a fanatic when it comes to organizational items is such a great thing. Folders, Tables, drawers, baskets, and containers are all part of this organizational.
Anything that organize and makes things in order will catches a person attention. This is the very reason why folders are important. They keep the organization skills active and well. They will save a neat-freak day from getting spoiled.
Folders are pretty useful in organizing files. Having them at home or in the office for a practical solution to the organization needs is a must. In fact, Having a bunch of folders revolving around the everyday chores is important. It give a person a good office ambience, lining up the folders in the cabinet is good way for easy filing. Understanding how easy it is to protected and find files, documents, effects, and other papers that are well-kept, when organizational files are put into place. Carrying a few when transacting business with other people is a good thing. Sometimes, other employees will also carry a folder with them. They are very useful in segregating what files are of lesser importance than the rest and what files are needed at this point up to what files deserve to rest in the confines of a drawer.
Customization is the thing that must be chosen if personalize to the folders has a unique, distinctive and personal look. When the folder are made, choosing from a wide array of folders and prints like presentation folders, file folders, and the likes. Can be used as pocket folders, media kits, training materials, investor packets, conference handouts, etc.
Customization can pretty well cater to different individual needs, designs, preferences, and use. All of the communicate to what kind of design, paper, color, size, and printing process to be used and then at a given time, can have a most wanted folders.
Having a transact online is important. First, Understanding to search for a trusted online printing company and fill up the order forms according to the specifications and demands. Depending on the quantity and quality order, the folder order can be had at the stipulated time.
Need help creating that amazing organization with folder? Contact us now!
Aug 10 2021 Defining Corporate Identity, Brand Identity & Brand Image
- Corporate identity.
Corporate identity is a company’s visual presence, which involves the corporate logo and design strategy for corporate marketing collateral. Corporate identity does not encapsulate brand identity, which is best defined as the soul of the company. A corporate identity may reflect a brand identity. Some ad agencies, marketing companies, and graphic design agencies would make those believe that brand identity is the same thing as corporate identity and that changing a logo or design strategy will change the brand identity.
There are many intangible factors that weigh in on brand identity. Cosmetic changes can help a brand identity by making it evident to customers that a company cares about its appearance, but that’s about the extent of its. A corporate identity needs to evolve with the times. Failure to do so can negatively affect a company’s brand identity, however, care must also be taken to not overly revise the presentation of a brand, lest customers be concerned about the state of a company. Corporate identity, along with organizational culture, product quality, service reputation, etc. Are some of the key factors of brand identity.
2. Brand Identity – It’s the essence of your company.
Brand identity is the complete package of a business to its customers. It includes the company’s service reputation, product quality, features, benefits, performance, and value. It is the summation of all these things, which create brand identity.
3. Brand image.
Brand Image is the market’s perception of the brand identity, which may or may not coincide with the intended identity. Companies must work hard at the daunting task of getting brand identity and image to align or hire a true branding company.
A branding company can show a business how success starts with the brand identity. Do you have a branding strategy? Are the employees aware of it and able to be ambassadors for the company’s brand during interactions with the outside world? Do you know the customers’ perceptions of the brand?
If the answers are “no” to any of those questions, take the first step in being able to answer yes to all of them and success.
Need help understanding this concept better? Contact us now!
Aug 07 2021 Full Color Postcards An Inexpensive Advertising Tool
Full color printing services are one of the most expensive printing services in the past. More recent development of new printing technologies made it an affordable printing service. This leads to full color postcards.
One form of advertising material that commonly utilized full color printing is a postcard. Postcards that have undergone the full color printing process have a more aesthetic appeal than plain postcards that are sent by excessively thrifty companies.
Postcard evokes great feeling of gladness since they are a way to always remembered and cared for the customer. To stir up the feeling of anyone or in the case of business postcards stir up the feelings of its target market is important to have it done in full colors. Various hues of colors would be the determining factor onto the effect of the postcard to its receiver. It’s a fact that colors affect the mood of people which makes it even more worthwhile to hire the best full color postcards printing provider.
No other advertising material is known to create such great impact on customers like what postcards can accomplish. Its receiver smile and feel happy for no special reason at all.
Options are involve when using postcards for any advertising endeavor like the option of creating the postcards yourself. The problem with creating your own postcard is the quality of the output since it may not meet the company’s set standard for quality. The problem may be caused by the wrong choice of printer or the lack of expertise and knowledge when it comes to the process of full color postcards.
The second option is sending the postcard printing project to a professional printer one that specializes in full color printing. These providers may be online or in person. The advantage of online providers over its in person competition is in terms of comfort that is derived from using online services.
It doesn’t really matter if the postcard maker is a novice or an expert in using online interactive forms since there are easy to follow instructions provided by various online printing company. One cool feature of the online printing provider have are the necessary online software system that enables quick and hassle free sending of all printing projects that is not present when dealing with local print shops.
There are also some online providers that offer free proofing of all submitted printing projects to provide the client company with an overview of the outcome of sent project.
Need help understand full color postcards better? Contact us now!
Aug 03 2021 Finding the Right Printer For The Right Job
Producing thousands of copies of a fifteen page brochure at a rate of one page per minute with employees working 24 hours a day would perhaps take over a week. But to produce the same quantity of brochures using a desktop printer would take over a decade! Desktop printers are not really an option in terms of cost, quality, and speed. Hence, when needing a large volumes of brochure or catalogs to be printed, it is perhaps a good idea to let the professional handle the job. There are several things to consider when choosing the commercial printer for a particular print job.
Perhaps one of the things that is need to be consider is the kind of printing process used by the printer. Do they use offset printing or digital technology? Is letterpress and screen printing also available? After deciding on which printing process to use, determining which printer has the right equipment is the best method. Find out the number of colors they can handle, how long they can do the print job, and what other equipment and services do they offer. Finding out what kind of print job each printer specializes they are and what types of binding and folding equipment’s they use.
Aside from determining which kind of printing method and equipment is appropriate for the company, it is also essential to know what kind of workers will work with the print job. Understand that although the printing company has the right equipment and technique. Does not mean that the equipment and facilities will make a great print jobs. Look for samples of work of these printers and focus more on their printing technique not merely on their design process. Look for clean colors, smooth text, focused images, and graphics.
It is a good idea to visit the printer to get a good feel of company that will be working with this print job. And when meeting face to face, ask them about there services. Asking questions such as how many presses they have and what are the capabilities of each; how long they have been in the business; what software they accepts and what kind of payment they receive. Asking there previous customers for feedbacks to know if they are able to meet there customer’s printing needs. It is essential to know this information ahead of time to not regret the choice later on. When Finding the right commercial printer, they will be able to make the print job look amazing!
Need help with finding a great printer company? Contact us now!
Jul 29 2021 Intranet and Extranet Software for Non-profit
Public charities and other non-profit organization can now make use of the tools for team collaboration. The most popular, collaboration intranets and extranets, are used by businesses of all sizes to improve communication and collaboration, which has been showing up in the non-profit arena.
A collaboration extranet is internet based and offers greater security than email. It allows users to organize their communications in ways that aren’t possible with ordinary email. A good extranet requires no complicated installation and training process. It can be installed in a few minutes and can be taught to inexperienced computer users in less than twenty minutes.
National and regional charities make use of secure extranets to communicate accurately, in real time, with their installations away from home offices. They also use extranets for working with members of their boards of directors and with major contributors.
According to a high-level executive in a well known Community Service Organization, “Our extranet is very helpful because it allows us to work much more effectively with our Board of Directors. Many of our Board members live far away from our headquarters and cannot spare the time for frequent meetings or even for phone calls. With our extranet, we are able to keep them up-to-date on all of our challenges and opportunities.”
She continued, “Because the extranet allows for instant feedback, and because every person with a password can see everyone else’s comments, our communications are faster and more accurate. The result is better guidance for us in management.”
Extranet software and intranet software can be “rented” from outside providers, who host the extranet or intranet solution which is available to the non-profit organization’s users via any web browser.
This can be a good solution in that it reduces the burden on an organization’s technical resources. Storage capabilities are seldom a concern.
Many intranet and extranet providers create special rates for charitable organization. The discounts are often significant, sometimes less than 25% of their usual commercial rates.
Want to learn more about intranet and extranet software? Contact us now!
Jul 28 2021 Is Telemarketing Still Effective In 2021?
Telemarketing is one of the most controversial elements of advertising and sales that has ever been. With a turn towards avoiding this means of marketing, business are looking elsewhere. Can an effectively running telemarketing campaign still pay off? Is the business the right type to take on the telemarketing world? There is little doubt that telemarketing has been successful, but with so many worries about legal action, it is necessary to do several things to ensure that the marketing campaign is successful.
For example, with many new laws in place regulating the use of telemarketing to specific time frames as well as to only individuals who have not said they do not want to be called, it is necessary to insure that the company that uses marketing is of the most highest of standards. When considering a business is not at risk, think again. The image alone that the customer has when they are “bothered” is not one that will want to tarnish the business’s name. With the use of regulated services that really do pay attention to detail, benefiting from telemarketing is easier.
Telemarketing is necessary to many businesses. It can be done quite successfully. If considering the use of it to promote the service or company, insure that the company use screens employees, hires, and train employees effectively so they have a successful rating. With these things kept in mind, just about any need that is needed in telemarketing can be fulfilled successfully.
There are also many information portals now devoted to the subject and we recommend reading about it. Try googling for “telemarketing” and there will be a surprisingly abundance of information on the subject. Alternatively trying to look on Yahoo, MSN, and even a decent directory site, as they are all good sources for this information.
Want to learn ways to be an effective telemarketer? Contact us now!
Jul 20 2021 Infinit-O Offshore Outsourcing Solution
Los Angeles, CA – Infinit Outsourcing (Infinit-O), a leading provider of outsourcing services has a solution called Dedicated Operating Team or ‘DOT’s’. Infinit-O is bringing new ideas to the offshore and outsourcing world, a hybrid outsourcing model specifically designed for small and medium sized companies. Infinit-O establishes and maintains ‘virtual employees’ in self-contained Dedicated Operating Teams (DOT’s) for clients.
Clients have complete control of the day to day operations whilst Infinit-O’s team of experienced outsourcing experts implement not just the set up phase but also manage all the support functions such as HR, IT, and Administration.
This enables clients to quickly gain the advantages of running their own in-house offshore operations without the overheads and risks of doing it themselves. “Infinit-O understands that there are still companies who are skeptical in outsourcing parts of their business for valid reasons, therefore, we are giving these companies the liberty to manage their own virtual employees through DOT’s.” stated Manolo Aquino, Co-Founder of Infinit-O.
“80% of companies realize the theoretical benefits of outsourcing but the major challenge today is how to develop the delivery capabilities in a controlled, scalable and cost-effective manner. Having a local partner in the offshore destination with over 20 years experience in complex outsourced solutions provides a level of comfort that allows them to quickly realize the full benefits of outsourcing in a cost efficient and controlled manner”, explained Richard Eldridge, Co-Founder of Infinit-O
Infinit-O is a leading BPO company with offices in the US, UK and Philippines providing back office outsourcing solutions and knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) solutions in the financial services and healthcare sectors.The company delivers high quality outsourcing solutions with a highly motivated and experienced team, an ability to optimize business processes, access to cost effective and innovative technology, all delivered from highly secured work environment.
For more information visit www.infinit-o.com,
Want to learn more about offshore outsourcing solution? Contact us now!
Jul 17 2021 Increase your traffic through articles by 300%!
Many people are submitting articles to article directories, which is a great way to gain traffic. None of them realize that there is a way to really optimize the results of writing articles.
When submitting articles, if the full article is pasted, there are two problems with this:
1) Provoking the reader to visit the site will decreases.
2) Google may read it as a supplement if the article is posted on a company blog/site.Explanations
1) When reader finishes reading the articles, and their satisfied, what would their normal behavior be, clicking on the webbsite address or visit other articles to learn even more. It would be visiting other articles, however you don’t want that to happen. So there is a way to solve this. When posting articles, only post the first half of the article directories and the full article on the site or blog. What would happen now is, if the article was well composed and the reader is interested, then they would gladly visit the blog or site to continue to read. It is a great way to make the readers happy and want them to go on your site.
2) As many people do, they submit their articles to directories and also post them on their site/blog. Now what happens, Google greatly dislikes copied information. They call it a supplement, and if the articles on the directories gets indexed by Google, then the page on the blog or site will not be indexed by Google if the submission of the full article on to the directories is onto the site or blog. Just submit half the article on the directories and the full article on the site or blog that is being used.
Let’s say the article is teaching the reader something or exposing something that can greatly benefit them. Knowing when to exploit it is a must, so the readers can go on the site. On the first half of the article that will be submit to the directories, go over the points on what can be offered and how it can benefit the readers, keep teasing the reader on what they could find out from reading the article, by this point the readers should be jumping off the walls waiting to for the article finally to tell them the whole thing. Don’t finishes the article yet, just add a little nice message saying that the full version of this article can be found at www.xxxx.com/ (Your website) most likely they will click on the web address.
Please check out http://traffic-building-googled.blogspot.com for more suggestions.
After reading the link above Contact us now!
Jul 15 2021 How To Find Free Business Logo Design
Free business logo design can be found in a variety of areas. There are many logo design companies that will design a free business logo design if a purchase of another products is from them. Some businesses will provide the free logo design with website design, stationary design, and web hosting. Take this example, purchasing a website design and hosting through them and they will design a free business logo design for the company. The price for website design and hosting depends on needs of the areas. However there is a lump of free business logo design in the packages for no additional cost.
Many logo design businesses will provide a company with a discounts on there products if there is a purchase of a stationary and envelope design through them. Some company may not receive a free logo design. That being said they can save a little money on other business necessities. packages that offer other free services is not uncommon if a business purchase the design from them. For example, some graphic design businesses will provide a stationary and envelope design, a black and white logo design, and even your logo design in a variety of useful file formats. A business might not receive a free business logo design but the other services that are free or included in the price of the logo design can be found.
There are many options available to businesses that will help relieve the stress on the budget. Combining packages of products for a business will help them save time and money. Companies will be able to find various graphic design packages that include free design with the purchase of other services. Remember that the price that is paid can variety in quality per graphic design industry. Before commuting to any packaging in particular researching the portfolio and pricing of the graphic designer is a necessary step to succeed.
Need help creating a great designs ? Contact us now!
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